Madiera Beach (Fishing Wharf) Sidewinder Missile Brought To Shore By Fisherman)

Captain Solomon Rodney came into port with a live air to air guided missile. He pulled two of them up 10 days ago. He stated one looked brand new and was beeping. He decided to throw that one back into the water. The second one looked a bit worn and had a hole in it. He decide to keep that one. Both were brought up 15 miles apart and 30 ft in depth difference. One was caught in 735 ft of water the other was caught in 775 ft of water. He was long line fishing about 30 to 60 miles of the coast of Panama City Fl. He also stated about 12 months ago he was fishing the same area and the same kind of missile fell from the sky and exploded 10 yards from his vessle.That area is known for bombing practice.Madiera Beach Fire/Rescue and PCSO were first on scene. They qucikly decided to set up a 2000 ft perimeter. USAF EOD team was sent from MacDill AFB. The team confirmed the missile was infact live and they dismantled and transported it back to the AFB. Fékk flugskeyti í veiðarfærin
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