Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, júlí 2008

Ţađ mćtti halda ađ kjötiđ sé...

.........framleitt úr dauđum hlutum.gordon_682_542559a

Puffin hunt ... Gordon Ramsay and Icelandic hunter

GORDON RAMSAY has been blasted over footage of puffins being killed and eaten on his Channel 4 show.


Viewers have complained about last night’s The F Word in which the fiery chef was seen catching seabirds before gutting them and eating their raw hearts.


Gordon travelled to Iceland to catch the lovable birds with a local hunter on the first day of the hunting season. The hunter snapped one bird’s neck after catching it in a net. The chef was not actually seen killing any animals on camera.


An Ofcom spokesman said: “I can confirm that there have been seven complaints from viewers about the treatment of puffins on last night’s episode of The F Word.”

Chef Gordon Ramsay under fire for F Word 'puffin murder'

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has upset viewers by catching and cooking a puffin on The F Word.

1 of 3 Images
'Sky fishing' is done with a very large net
'Sky fishing' is done with a very large net Photo: Channel Four

Ramsay travelled to Iceland to "sky-fish" for the seabirds.

He caught one puffin in a net - viewers saw it bite his face as it struggled to get free. A hunter then snapped the bird's neck before Ramsay pulled out its heart, which he ate raw. The Michelin-starred chef later rustled up a dish of barbecued puffin with cucumber salad.

Media watchdog Ofcom is to investigating the programme after receiving a number of complaints from viewers, and animal-lovers have protested via the Channel 4 website. Previous shows have seen veal calves, pigs and turkeys being slaughtered.

In one scene, Ramsay asked why he couldn't shoot the birds instead, to which his companion replied: "This is more of a sport."

One viewer wrote on the F Word forum: "I caught the last few minutes where to my horror Gordon Ramsay took part in catching and killing puffins. And then he made silly remarks when the terrified bird he caught defended itself and bit him.

"These birds are declining in the UK and to show their killing in another country where it is allowed is irresponsible.

"A very bad move on Gordon's part to be seen to condone practices in another country that would definitely not be tolerated here."

Another said: "I was appalled last night watching this rude, arrogant prat amuse himself by catching puffins in an oversized butterfly net.

"Are there no depths he won't sink to in his quest for the latest gastronomic fad? I don't care if islanders have eaten them in the past, or if they are considered a delicacy... these birds are adorable, and surely an endangered species?

"To add the final gruesome touch we saw his mentor kill the bird and snap its wings out of joint, ready to pluck. I'm no softie but I felt physically sick to my stomach. I'm delighted Ramsay was bitten, serves the swine right."

Puffins are a protected species in the UK but Iceland grants licences to cull them. Ramsay claimed he had a licence to kill 1,000 of the birds.

He described the meat as "smooth on the palate and gamey, a bit like liver", adding: "I didn't realise how difficult they are to cook but they're very tasty."

The Scot has told how he nearly died during the trip when he slipped on a cliff face and fell into the freezing seawater.

"I thought I was a goner," he said. "They say cats have nine lives. I've had 12 already and I don't know how many more I'll have.

"I remember thinking. 'Oh ----'. My boots and my waterproofs were dragging me down.

"I'm an extremely good swimmer, but I couldn't get to the surface. I was panicking and my lungs were filling with water. When I got to the top after getting my boots off I was dazed and my head was totally numb."

Ótrúlegt enn satt.....

.......ađ hitinn skuli komast svona hátt, einsog stađhćttir eru hér á Stórhöfđa.


Svo eru fleiri stađir sem gćtu fellt hitamet einsog Ţingvellir.


Um stöđina

Gögn sjálfvirkra stöđva eru birt um leiđ og ţau berast án ţess ađ fariđ hafi veriđ yfir ţau. Ţađ gćtu ţví leynst í ţeim villur, t.d. vegna bilana í mćlitćkjum.


Ár Mán. Dagur Kl. Loftţr. hPa Vindátt Vindhr. m/s Hám.vindhr. m/s Vindhviđa m/s Hiti C Daggarm. C Lágm.hiti C Hám.hiti C Upps. úrk. Úrk. mism.
2008 7 30 15 . A 3.7 5.0 8.2 29.3 7.5 28.2 29.3 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 14 . ASA 3.8 5.2 8.3 28.5 7.7 27.6 28.7 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 13 . ASA 5.1 5.2 9.4 27.7 9.0 26.6 27.7 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 12 . A 4.2 4.7 7.6 26.6 8.3 24.6 26.7 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 11 . SA 0.7 0.7 2.1 24.8 10.7 22.2 24.8 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 10 . S 0.8 2.5 5.0 22.2 11.1 18.9 22.2 594.8 0.0
2008 7 30 9 . SV 0.4 2.5 3.9 18.9 11.0 16.2 18.9 594.8 0.0 Hitamet slegiđ á Stórhöfđa
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

Svona útlendingum viljum viđ íslendingar......

..............ađ fá inn í landi okkar. Enn ekki óstöđvandi flćđi af forhertum glćpamönnum einsog stađan er í dag.

Nóg höfum viđ til ađ refsa okkar innfćddum íslenskum glćpamönnum. Svo mikiđ ađ dómarar hafa varla tíma ađ dćma í málum. Og ţađ er bara hagsmunamál ađ setja skilyrđi á innkomu inn í landiđ, einsog sakavottorđ, eđa lćknisvottorđ. Allavega mundi ég sýna örđum ţjóđum skilning ef ég vćri krafist ţess ţegar ég mundi fara til útlanda. Fékk ungur áhuga á Íslandi
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Ekki var dagurinn í Vestmannaeyjum.........

 ..............sá heitasti á ţessu ári. Heldur voru ţađ dagarnir 16 og 19 júli sem voru heitastir. Og mćldist mesti hitinn hér á Stórhöfđa 15,8°C. Og ekki kom ţađ í fréttum hjá Reykjavíkurfjölmiđlum einsog vanalega.

Listi keyrđur út kl. 18:50 ţann 25.07.2008                 
                        Gildir fyrir 2008-07-25 kl. 18                       
Mestur hiti í Reykjavík í dag var 22.5 stig.
Engin úrkoma mćldist í Reykjavík í dag

Mestur hiti (minnst frost) á landinu í dag:
     Láglendi:                              Fjöll:
     24.7 °C Ţingvellir                    20.7 °C Ţúfuver
     24.1 °C Ţyrill                           20.3 °C Hveravellir sjálfvirk stöđ
     23.6 °C Geldinganes               19.7 °C Svartárkot sjálfvirk stöđ
     23.6 °C Skrauthólar                 19.7 °C Grímsstađir
     23.5 °C Reykjavíkurflugvöllur   19.5 °C Setur
     23.4 °C Hjarđarland                 19.1 °C Kolka

Mesta úrkoma á landinu í dag:
     0.1 mm Hćll
     0.0 mm Eyrarbakki
     0.0 mm Litla-Ávík
     0.0 mm Vatnsskarđshólar
     0.0 mm Vík í Mýrdal

Mesti vindhrađi kl. 18:
     Láglendi:                              Fjöll:
     18 m/s Stórhöfđi sjálfvirk stöđ  15 m/s Jökulheimar
     17 m/s Stórhöfđi                         14 m/s Sandbúđir
     16 m/s Skarđsfjöruviti                    14 m/s Hágöngur
     16 m/s Vatnsskarđshólar               13 m/s Ţúfuver
     16 m/s Vatnsskarđshólar sjálfvi     10 m/s Lónakvísl
     15 m/s Fagurhólsmýri sjálfvirk       10 m/s Veiđivatnahraun

Evelyne Dheliat-France TV Babe with Hot Legs-24.07-2008


Reykjavík er borg, enn .........

.............EKKI BĆR.

Gvuđana bćnum fariđ nú kalla Reykjvík borg enn ekki bćr. Nćr samfelld röđ í bćinn
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Skil ekki ..............

..........stelpur/konur sem lifa í sjálfsblekkingum fyrir framan spegillin.


ŢETTA ER HRYLLINGUR sem sést á myndinni hér fyrir ofan. Tal foreldra hvetur til megrunar barna
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